Pet Minded Travel
Travel safely with your pet by car, airplane, ship or train. Choose the safest and most pleasant mode of transportation for your pet while traveling. For example, unless you'll be spending a lot of time with your dog, they'll be happiest staying at home rather than accompanying you on your trip. Cats are nearly always happier in their own environment.
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By Car
The safest mode of transportation for your dog in the automobile is in a cage secured to the vehicle with a seat belt or other secure methods. Dog restraints or seat belts are beneficial for keeping your dog from wandering about the car and distracting the driver, but they haven't been shown to keep dogs safe in an accident.
Most cats dislike driving in automobiles, so put them in a carrier for their own protection as well as yours. It's critical to keep these carriers restrained in the automobile so they don't bounce about and injure your cat. Secure a seat belt around the front of the carrier to do this.
Although a brief break may seem like a short time to you, it is far too long to leave an animal alone in a car. Heat is a significant threat: if the temperature outside is 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature inside your vehicle may reach around 115 degrees in about an hour. Even with the windows partially open on an 80 degree day, the temperature inside a vehicle may reach around 100 degrees in only 10 minutes.
Particles of debris can harm pets that are permitted to poke their heads out the window, and cold air rushed into their lungs can make them sick. Never move a pet in the back of a pickup truck with the doors open. Accidents happen on the road and sometimes lawyers are involved. Although there is no law stating that you must hire an attorney after a car accident, it could be smart to seek legal compensation.
By Airplane
When considering whether or not to fly your pet, please consider all of the potential hazards. Animals that are brachycephalic (with "pushed in" faces) are particularly vulnerable to air travel. This is due to their narrow nasal passages. As a result, they are particularly susceptible to oxygen deprivation and heat stroke.
Driving is typically a preferable alternative if you want to bring your pet on vacation. If you can't go by a vehicle, your pet will most likely be healthier and happier if you leave them with a pet or house sitter. However, there may be occasions when you will be able to do so, and you'll have to decide whether the advantages of flying exceed the dangers.
For a charge, most airlines will allow you to bring a cat or small dog into the cabin if flying your pet is the only option. However, you must contact the airline in advance since the number of animals allowed in the cabin is limited. If the rules overwhelm you, there are businesses that can assist you in navigating the procedure of traveling with a pet. One additional thing to keep in mind is ff you are transporting your pet, make sure they meet the size requirements.
Be aware of the dangers of flying your pet in a cargo hold and take precautions when bringing your pet through airport security. Your pet will have to pass through security screening and be secure.

By Ship
Only a few cruise lines, with the exception of assistance dogs, allow pets, and generally only on ocean voyages. Some cruise lines allow pets in individual rooms, although most keep them in kennels. Inquire ahead of time about your cruise line's policies and which ships provide kennel facilities. If you must use the ship's kennel, ensure sure it is weatherproof and that you keep an eye on your dog.
One of the only ocean liner that accepts pets, the Cunard's Queen Mary 2 travels from New York to Southampton, England. The ship features 24 kennels with a full-time Pet Master in charge of feeding, strolling, and "housecleaning". During the voyage, owners are able to visit with their dogs as often as they choose. Some animals are restricted because to their size or breed, just as they are with airplanes.
By Train
If the trip is shorter than seven hours, dogs and cats up to 20 pounds are permitted on Amtrak's rail. Some smaller railway companies in the United States may allow animals aboard. Across several European nations, pets are allowed on trains. Passengers are typically responsible for feeding and exercising their animals at terminal stops. Pets also must remain in their closed carrier.
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